Parenting Hacks

Because parenting is hard enough as it is!
Here are some ideas to make things a little easier and support your child's development in the process.

On the Blog...

My go-to Strategy when my kids are Dysregulated

My go-to Strategy when my kids are Dysregulated

We all want to hide sometimes.I see you escaping to the toilet and locking the door just for a minutes peace.Kids can get overwhelmed QUICKLY (just like us) and in...
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Why we always take toys to health appointments

Why we always take toys to health appointments

We take toys everywhere.Sometimes, like today, it’s a bit of a hassle. Nobody can really be bothered to haul a giant t-Rex across a car park and into the drs...
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3 Ways to get Sunscreen on a Reluctant Toddler

3 Ways to get Sunscreen on a Reluctant Toddler

Because sometimes it’s a struggle. Often the key is just to hand the control back to your child and let them do it themselves. These 3 methods have a novelty...
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Quick Toothbrushing Hack

Quick Toothbrushing Hack

This has been a game changer for us. My baby feels like she has some independence and I get access to her teeth much easier than before. Win win. Get...
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Make Toothbrushing Fun

Make Toothbrushing Fun

Is it time to add to your kete of teeth brushing strategies?! No one thing works all the time every time with toddlers. You need a kete (basket) of strategies...
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How to get a Toddler to sit in their Car Seat

How to get a Toddler to sit in their Car Seat

Is there such a thing as a child getting into there carseat without a fuss? Here's some things that we do:☺️ let them know what's coming up.☺️ provide opportunities for...
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Change them side-on

Change them side-on

Small changes can make a big difference. This small change can do wonders not only for your bond with your baby but for their language development.Sure - there are times...
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How we prepare for immunisations

How we prepare for immunisations

I'm all about honesty.It's totally ok to tell your little one what to expect when they go to the doctors. The world is confusing enough without us adding to the...
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How can I make nappy changes easier?

How can I make nappy changes easier?

If your child is rolling like a crocodile at nappy change time, it's time to dial up the fun.It's tempting to dial up the sternness - you want to express...
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