Parenting Hacks

Because parenting is hard enough as it is!
Here are some ideas to make things a little easier and support your child's development in the process.

On the Blog...

Parenting Hack: Overnight Accidents

Parenting Hack: Overnight Accidents

Toilet training? Here’s a hack.Our Messy Mats double as protective sheets for your child’s bed, so you don’t need to spent extra money when the time comes to toilet train...
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Teaching Road Safety around parked cars

Teaching Road Safety around parked cars

KEEP THEM SAFE.Visual aides are incredibly helpful in helping children understand what is expected of them in any situation.When saying "hands on the car" or "hands on the door" wasn't...
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Why should you involve your child in housework?

Why should you involve your child in housework?

Steal my strategy... Throwback Thursday! Here's my 2 year old and I folding towels together. I love involving my kids in housework because it means I can get stuff done...
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The Ultimate Guide to Toothbrushing

The Ultimate Guide to Toothbrushing

END THE BATTLETeeth brushing can be so hard and so demoralising at the end of a long day. It's a job we HAVE TO DO as parents to keep our...
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Use this trick to teach your child to ride a bike

Use this trick to teach your child to ride a bike

So much easier!The towel method makes learning to ride a bike so much easier!Not only do parents avoid the back-breaking struggle of holding on to a low saddle whilst running,...
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Why it matters if your child is snoring

Why it matters if your child is snoring

Deep sleep?Once thought to be a sign that babies were having a good, deep sleep, we now know that snoring is doing quite the opposite.When children are snoring or their...
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My go-to Strategy when my kids are Dysregulated

My go-to Strategy when my kids are Dysregulated

We all want to hide sometimes.I see you escaping to the toilet and locking the door just for a minutes peace.Kids can get overwhelmed QUICKLY (just like us) and in...
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Pencil-Grips help your Child to Write

Pencil-Grips help your Child to Write

Kids get frustrated when they can't control their pen.A poor grip created wrist fatigue but also whole body fatigue - imagine how hard you'd find it if I asked you...
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3 Ways to get Sunscreen on a Reluctant Toddler

3 Ways to get Sunscreen on a Reluctant Toddler

Because sometimes it’s a struggle. Often the key is just to hand the control back to your child and let them do it themselves. These 3 methods have a novelty...
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Quick Toothbrushing Hack

Quick Toothbrushing Hack

This has been a game changer for us. My baby feels like she has some independence and I get access to her teeth much easier than before. Win win. Get...
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Make Toothbrushing Fun

Make Toothbrushing Fun

Is it time to add to your kete of teeth brushing strategies?! No one thing works all the time every time with toddlers. You need a kete (basket) of strategies...
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How to Help your Child to Follow Directions

How to Help your Child to Follow Directions

It starts with ensuring your little one can fully understand you. Understanding stems from routine and repetition. Give them a job! Giving your little one a role in the everyday...
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Literacy Hack: Visual Shopping List

Literacy Hack: Visual Shopping List

Kids don't have to be able to read in order to be exposed to text. Make looking at words fun by weaving them into your shopping routine :) Write out...
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Playtime Hack: Don't Spill your Bubbles

Playtime Hack: Don't Spill your Bubbles

Does your little one like to dip the want in the mixture independently and have it almost always spill everywhere?Here is a gentle reminder to TAPE your bubbles to something....
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How to set up your Highchair to make Mealtimes more Successful

How to set up your Highchair to make Mealtimes more Successful

A properly fitting high chair is a total game changer, make no mistake. If I had a dollar for everyone who told me they’re so glad they switched - I’d...
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Roleplay: Using the Potty

Roleplay: Using the Potty

I’m following August’s lead, and at the moment he’s VERY interested in people going to the toilet. He’s enjoying telling us when his nappy is soggy and talking about his...
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Developing Independence: Hang-up Hoops

Developing Independence: Hang-up Hoops

August is old enough to hang up his own coats or jacket on a peg, but sometimes they're tricky. Some coats have hoods, some have loops, some have nothing at...
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Backwards Chaining

Backwards Chaining

Everyone should know about this because it's a total game changer. Therapists use a concept called 'backwards chaining' all the time to help children to learn new skills. You basically...
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Supportive Chairs for Successful Mealtimes

Supportive Chairs for Successful Mealtimes

The importance of a good high chair really isn't talked about enough and it should be.Do any of these sound like your baby?✅Is fussy at the table✅Wants the meal to...
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My Little Helper

My Little Helper

We're the kind of adults who let our house get incredibly messy then on Sundays we try and claw it back to somewhat tidy. Auggie loves helping and we always...
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