How to set up your Highchair to make Mealtimes more Successful

How to set up your Highchair to make Mealtimes more Successful

How to set up your Highchair to make Mealtimes more Successful

A properly fitting high chair is a total game changer, make no mistake. If I had a dollar for everyone who told me they’re so glad they switched - I’d be a rich woman! There are hundreds of ill fitting chairs on the market that seem to focus on comfort and how easy everything is to clean, not taking into account the importance of ergonomics. Children need their core muscles when they’re learning to manipulate cutlery, and this is much much harder if they’re slumped with no foot support.

I don’t have a review for all of the high chairs out there, but my general rule of thumb is this: if the advertising photos they use don’t show children properly supported like this (with all of the 90° angles) then the chair probably isn’t safety tested to ensure that can happen, and the company doesn’t understand the importance of well supported kids 🤷🏼‍♀️

Watch the video here 

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