The Million Word Gap
READ ⬇️Research has shown that kids who are read to daily hear around 1.4 million more words by age 5 than those who aren’t. That’s a HUGE differen...
READ ⬇️Research has shown that kids who are read to daily hear around 1.4 million more words by age 5 than those who aren’t. That’s a HUGE differen...
WORTH THE WAIT ⬇️Parents, ever feel like you need to fill every silence with words? 🤔 Here’s a game-changer: WAIT! ⏳Imagine you’re in a meeting, an...
What’s in your head?! Theory of mind is when kids realise that others have thoughts and feelings that differ from their own. It pays to remembe...
Steal this strategy ⬇️There's no more important time for a child to 'STOP' than in a road safety sitatuation.We all WANT to give them the freedom t...
TELL a story to GET a story.🙂Takes the pressure off🙂 Models excellent sentence structure🙂 Helps jog their memory🙂 Teaches story telling and sequenc...
Why it matters ⬇️ For some reason, adults have fallen into a pattern of speaking in the third person to our kids. For example, people often say "co...
This is magic ⬇️YES it's lovely to have kids snuggled beside us or on our knee during reading time, but there's a BETTER WAY when it comes to suppo...
IT'S SO TEMPTINGto ask our kids to say stuff to us.Like "say hello", "say please", "say mooo", "say milk".ESPECIALLY when our kids aren't saying ma...
Do this instead ⬇️ It's not uncommon for some kids to go through periods of dysfluency (less fluent speech) as they develop. Stuttering (also kno...
Your little one is learning how to communicate from the second they're brought into this world.Communication isn't just talking, it's noises and fa...
Throwback ThursdayA little video of Auggie (age 2years and 7 months) and I playing with playdough and retelling the story of the very hungry caterp...
⚠️SAVE THIS FOR REFERENCESome sounds are harder to say than others. Knowing WHEN sounds typically develop will ensure that you’re not expecting too...