Language Tip: Road Safety

Language Tip: Road Safety

Language Tip: Road Safety

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There's no more important time for a child to 'STOP' than in a road safety sitatuation.

We all WANT to give them the freedom to run or bike ahead of us, but need to know that they'll stop quickly when a crossing is coming up, when there's a car coming or when iniveitably they get too far ahead.

Remember - kids don't see the world and all its dangers like adults do, so a solid 'stop' response like this needs to be taught.

Because kids hear the word "STOP" so often (stop hitting your sister, stop jumping on the couch, stop that, you'll get hurt.) they often struggle to understand how imperative it is to stop for safety reasons. Especially when they're having fun.

THAT'S where a language change can make a difference.

🖐️TRY introducing a word like "freeze" or "red light".
🚗You can explain that this is your road safety word and that when they hear it, they need to immediately put the brakes on for safety.
👯‍♂Practice together in non-threatening situations at first, like in the supermarket or put on a walk together holding hands.
🗣️You could say:
"let's practice our 'freeze' for safety. Listen out carefully. When I say freeze you have to freeze like a statue!! Then it can be your turn to tell me to freeze".
😎Praise quick responses and how still they become.
⭐Keep up the practice and reminders. We all forget things easily - you might add a reminder before each outing for them to listen out for the safety word.
🤌Save that word for safety situations ONLY so that it keeps it's importance.

Save this strategy for later and share with a parent who has a little runner on their hands.

You've got this.

Watch the full reel here

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