Worth the wait

Worth the wait

Worth the wait


Parents, ever feel like you need to fill every silence with words? 🤔 Here’s a game-changer: WAIT! ⏳

Imagine you’re in a meeting, and your boss asks you a tough question. You need a moment to think before you respond, right? Kids are the same, but they need even more time. Adults typically take about 2 seconds to process and respond, but children often need 5-10 seconds or even more! 🧠⌛

By waiting, you’re showing your child that what they have to say matters. You’re giving them the space to think, process, and find the words they need. This helps build their confidence and encourages them to communicate more.

If we don’t wait or we re-phrase the question too quickly, we can interrupt their thought process, leaving them frustrated and less likely to try responding next time. It’s like someone cutting you off just as you’re about to share your brilliant idea! 😓

Next time you’re chatting with your little one, try counting to 10 in your head after you ask a question. You’ll be amazed at what they come up with when given the chance! 🗣️💬

Watch the full reel here

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