Parenting Hacks
Because parenting is hard enough as it is!
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How to set up your Highchair to make Mealtimes more Successful
A properly fitting high chair is a total game changer, make no mistake. If I had a dollar for everyone who told me they’re so glad they switched - I’d...
Surviving Sickness
August has been really sick and it’s been tricky to get food and fluids into him. We needed to get creative! I can’t take credit for this one - my...
Roleplay: Using the Potty
I’m following August’s lead, and at the moment he’s VERY interested in people going to the toilet. He’s enjoying telling us when his nappy is soggy and talking about his...
The ultimate sunscreen hack for kids!
The ultimate sunscreen hack for kids (But mostly parents coz getting that stuff on takes forever and if they get the bottle they tip it everywhere and this will save...
Supportive Chairs for Successful Mealtimes
The importance of a good high chair really isn't talked about enough and it should be.Do any of these sound like your baby?✅Is fussy at the table✅Wants the meal to...
My Little Helper
We're the kind of adults who let our house get incredibly messy then on Sundays we try and claw it back to somewhat tidy. Auggie loves helping and we always...
Yes Cupboards
Are there any drawers or cupboards in your kitchen where the answer to "can I explore this?" Is"YES!"??? I can set up all the activities in the world but nothing...
One trick that helped our 3 year old to ride a bike
The towel trick!Turns out you don't have to break your back holding on to the back of their seat as you run!We simply rolled up a towel length ways and...