Six Common Mistakes when Teaching a Child their First Words

Six Common Mistakes when Teaching a Child their First Words

Six Common Mistakes when Teaching a Child their First Words

Are you teaching or testing??!

It's SO EASY to fall into the 'testing' role when teaching kids to talk because we so badly want to hear their first words. And when they do start to talk, we're all guilty of getting them to say their words over and over again for our delight! But - that pressure can knock their confidence and isn't teaching them the next steps.

If you're making these 6 mistakes, try the alternative strategies instead and see the impact it makes on your child's language development.


Save this one for later and tag a testing family member!!


  • ! My sons face absolutely lights up when I say ‘that’s right, it’s a xx’ or repeat back to him in some way the word he is attempting to say or what he is trying to communicate. Definitely feel this last month he is communicating waaaaaay more.

    Emma on

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