Role Play to Real Play

We're so privileged to be able to take the car wherever we need to go, but we're probably not using public transport as often as we could. Because it's not as easy.
But our kids LOVE to role play going on the bus and Etta loves singing wheels on the bus - so we got out in the sun and took a bus trip to the library.
I LOVE taking opportunities to bring language to life like this. Being able to show kids that giraffes, boats, cows, tractors etc don't just exist in books, they exist in REAL LIFE is such a privilege!!
You might take the bus all the time, but there will for sure be other experiences that you can bring to life for your kids and blow their minds with! If they have a favourite book or song - think about if there are any elements you can bring to life for them.
Learning new vocabulary in context (in the place where it should be) makes it much easier for children to grasp and remember. Etta has gone from singing about 'the bell on the bus' to now having experienced pressing one. What fantastic learning.
What have your brought to life for your kids? Share your ideas below.
Watch the full reel here
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