
You're in the right place for all things food. We want to support you to have more successful mealtimes with your children.
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On the Blog...

3 Tips for Better Spoon Feeding

3 Tips for Better Spoon Feeding

How to spoon feed your baby? Now of course you know how to do this but you can’t do better until you know better and there are some better ways....
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How to Teach Your Baby to use a Spoon

How to Teach Your Baby to use a Spoon

Your baby can start using a spoon from the day they start solids. The problem is, most spoons on the market just aren't designed for little hands. I've fixed this!!Spoon...
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3 Ways to Make Starting Solids Successful

3 Ways to Make Starting Solids Successful

3 tips from a speech and language therapist to support your little one to start solids. Because it's such a big step in your little one's journey and there is...
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Try this Easy Top when Spoon feeding your Baby

Try this Easy Top when Spoon feeding your Baby

Something for you to think about if you are spoon feeding your baby. You really want them to eat right. We’re invested in it. So what we tend to do...
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Messy Chin for the Win!

Messy Chin for the Win!

Its actually really unhelpful to scrape your child’s mouth after every spoonful if you’re spoon feeding them and here’s why. Your little one is just learning to receive food and...
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STARTING SOLIDS. How I tackle it as a Speech and Language Therapist

STARTING SOLIDS. How I tackle it as a Speech and Language Therapist

STEP 1.We’re doing a mix of puree feeding and BLW (Baby Led Weaning). I’ve started with puree so that I can monitor how Etta manages the food in her mouth....
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Teething Solution: Milk Pops

Teething Solution: Milk Pops

This is a total game changer for a teething babe. Any silicone feeder will do! Ours is the b.box silicone feeder and was purchased from the Chemist Warehouse.If you're breastfeeding,...
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