How to Survive Mealtimes with a Toddler: My 5 Tips for Success

How to Survive Mealtimes with a Toddler: My 5 Tips for Success

How to Survive Mealtimes with a Toddler: My 5 Tips for Success

Remember - toddlers are just always looking to take control of their worlds and what they consume is one of the only things they control. If you make it a battle ground - they’re going to get the better of you.

Don’t hesitate to end the meal (kindly and matter of factly) if your boundaries are broken like food is thrown.

If you’re struggling with spitting or getting food off the plate that they don’t want - provide a tub that they can discard things in. you’ve got this!

Watch the reel here to find out the 5 Tips for Success.

Our clever plate doesn’t section food and can increase your child’s ability to cope with mixed textures. Check out our clever mealtime essentials range on our website

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