Teaching Opportunities

Teaching Opportunities

Teaching Opportunities

YOU ARE YOUR CHILD'S BEST TEACHER. Read that again. Your child feels safest with you, most comfortable with you, they trust you more than anyone and they believe everything you say. This makes you the best teacher, and their brains are ready for anything you feed in. Remember - children aren't born with language that's waiting to come out - you have to teach them all of the language they use. So grab every opportunity you can!

The first video is me talking about basic concepts of whilst Auggie eats veggie tubes. It's just a conversation - not a test. Keep it chill- your child can join in if they want and ignore you if they want. Basic concepts are words that children need to understand the world and follow instructions. A quick google of 'basic concepts' will give you some ideas - most things you can just work into play or kai time. Examples: full/empty, big/small, hot/cold, long/short, before/after, behind/in front, in/on/under.

We've sang our 'sing the sounds' resource since August was tiny. You can find the digital download on my website. It takes a long time to learn and understand the sounds that letters make and identify what sound a word start with - but you can start having fun with it from as soon as your little one starts talking. Again - no pressure and no testing. In the second video I'm just repeating the first sound in a word before saying it. We keep it fun and stop whenever August moves on. Watch my phonics highlight to learn how to say each sound in the alphabet.

When do you grab a teaching opportunity?

Watch the teaching opportunity here

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