Communication Development
Strategies to support your child's communication development within their everyday routines and play.
On the Blog...
Singing to your baby
Why Singing to Your Baby is a Game Changer!1. Enhances Their Sense of Security and Emotional Connection: Singing to your baby creates a comforting and familiar environment, boosting their sense...
Language Development Tip
Why it matters ⬇️ For some reason, adults have fallen into a pattern of speaking in the third person to our kids. For example, people often say "come to mummy"...
Reading time and Language Development
This is magic ⬇️YES it's lovely to have kids snuggled beside us or on our knee during reading time, but there's a BETTER WAY when it comes to supporting our...
8 Skills that Children need to practice before they develop first words
Teach this ⬇️Are you and your parent friends waiting to hear first words?! Share this with them.From birth, babies are working on these 8 Pre-verbal skills just from hanging out...
4 Tips to Enhance your Baby's Speech and Language Development
Your little one is learning how to communicate from the second they're brought into this world.Communication isn't just talking, it's noises and facial expressions and gestures and tones.When your baby...
My child doesn't say some speech sounds - should I worry?
⚠️SAVE THIS FOR REFERENCESome sounds are harder to say than others. Knowing WHEN sounds typically develop will ensure that you’re not expecting too much of your little one.Children are developing...
Top Language Tip from a Speech Therapist
This makes a difference ⬇️⬇️Sometimes adults so badly want to hear their kids speak or hear them use good manners that they make kids copy them, or set the expectation...
Teach your child to say 2-word phrases
LANGUAGE MILESTONES ⬇️By age 2, typically children are using between 50 and 300 words. This is around the time we expect that they'll start COMBINING words to make short phrases,...
Worried your little one isn't talking much yet?
Here's how you can help.It starts with shifting your perspective: verbal words aren't the only goal. There are many steps that come before words and your little one might be...
Best way to read to your baby
More strategies ⬇️🌟Here's a throwback to when my 4 year old was 10 months old.GET FACE TO FACEPositioning yourself so you can get face to face is a total game...
Try this trick when reading with your child..
THIS MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE.Kids need to PRACTICE their vocabulary in order to learn how to to use it independently and there’s no better way than with a book.Kids love...
What to do if your baby isn't talking yet
No words?Time to start helping your little one to imitate exclamatory words! They count as first words too!So what are those?Exclamatory words are fun little words full of emotion that...
What counts as a first word?
"Mama" or babbling?To know if your child is saying a word or just babbling, you need to consider whether they are saying the 'word' CONSISTENTLY and INTENTIONALLY when what they...
Quick reminder: Push your Child from the Front of the Swings
It's all about getting face to face. We know that when parents get face to face with their children and make eye contact, it significantly supports a child's emotional development....
Did you know? Communication Begins with Gestures
It’s pretty common knowledge among speech-language therapists that kids start using gestures before they start saying actual words.Some research has shown that when toddlers used gestures to represent something, they...
Communication Milestones
BUT WHAT IF MY CHILD ISN'T DOING THESE THINGS?Don't panic. You're not alone. Some children take a little longer. If your child is in this age bracket and only doing...
7 Skills Your Child needs Before they can start to Talk
Language is built on solid foundations, and these are the 7 foundation skills your little one needs before they can start talking.It's like learning to walk. Babies need to reach,...
Teach your Child to Talk using Bubbles
Bubbles machines are FUN and there's definitely a place for them - but when you blow your own bubbles with your child, you're much likely to be a fantastic language...
Help! My Child doesn't really Babble or make Many Noises
Time to make some noises, people. OMG I said adjective and I meant verb!! Losing my marbles this evening.Making noises yourself and making for face fun is KEY here.Stay away...
The Power of Parent Facing
My only prerequisite for my pushchair was that my kids could face me. Here's why: Babies are hard wired to seek out and look at faces, especially their parents! In...