Quick reminder: Push your Child from the Front of the Swings

Quick reminder: Push your Child from the Front of the Swings

Quick reminder: Push your Child from the Front of the Swings

It's all about getting face to face.

We know that when parents get face to face with their children and make eye contact, it significantly supports a child's emotional development. Basically - they bond more; it's called 'attunement'.

Speech Therapist's promote being face to face and at eye level with your child as often as you can because with that attunement connection, your child is more likely to communicate with you. You can play stop and start games to make them laugh, sing to them, pretend they're kicking you - aaaanything to maintain that interaction and communication through eye contact and play.

Remember play is always learning. And let's face it - swing pushing can get boring fast. So make it more fun for yourself by getting your child involved with you!

Don't miss the learning opportunity. Try it :)

Share this reel with that parent you're always at the park with!




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