We will continue shipping every couple of days throughout the summer break. If your order is urgent, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate you. Thank you for your patience!
BUT WHAT IF MY CHILD ISN'T DOING THESE THINGS? Don't panic. You're not alone. Some children take a little longer. If your child is in this age bracket and only doing some of these things, it sounds like they're on the right track. If they're not doing any, give them another month or two. If you see no change, check in with your GP.
SIGN! Sign can significantly help your little one’s expressive and receptive language and doesn’t slow down either. Get my free getting-started guide on my website by signing up to my newsletter on the home page.
Spending quality time with your baby is key. Be face to face often. Sing songs. Play with toys together. Talk to them and narrate what you're doing. Set up some play /exploration experiences for them. Turn the TV and radio off- those are distracting. Get talking!