Learning through Play

The home of easy to set up play ideas! Browse a range of activities that are simple to create and often use the stuff you already have lying around your house! These activities are all created with communication development in mind, so be sure to join in with your little one and foster some conversation.

On the Blog...

Buried Treasure: Buttons and Sand

Buried Treasure: Buttons and Sand

This activity was so quick to set up and it kept August entertained for ages. I reset it 3 times and he still loved it. We did a treasure hunt....
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Fun with Mud

Fun with Mud

WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH?! We stepped up the mess factor today and played in mud. EVERYTHING is washable so why hold back? We rugged up and headed to the deck...
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Foam Home

Foam Home

Errr - if you put bubble bath and water into the blender it makes foam 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Again - we had to mostly play indoors today otherwise I would have done...
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Bubble Tray

Bubble Tray

A sensory play activity that takes 30 seconds to set up. Ideal. We did this after breakfast this morning and it was a huge hit. How?All you need is an...
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Paint Balling

Paint Balling

We got MESSY today whilst exploring the rotation schema. "Wtf is the rotation schema?!" I hear you scream silently at your phone. Well a 'schema' is a pattern of repeated...
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Ice Painting 🌈

Ice Painting 🌈

We did some icey painting today! It was a bit chilly outside but we had a blast - even if August preferred painting his feet than the paper. When he'd...
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Exploring Hot and Cold

Exploring Hot and Cold

August explored the difference between 'hot' and 'cold' today out in the garden. I filled two plastic tubs - one with hot-ish water and the other with cold water and...
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Rice Rummage

Rice Rummage

An EASY messy play experience. I put some rice into an oven tray, added some everyday items like cups and spoons and let August go to town. I taped the...
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Taste-safe Slime

Taste-safe Slime

We did this activity at our baby class. I bought cornflour weeks ago to do this activity at home but I'm so glad I did it with teachers who had...
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Finger Painting

Finger Painting

Last minute card making for Daddy! Super messy - August absolutely loved it! I used acrylic paint. He tasted some of it and decided he didn't want any more -...
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Rainbow Pasta Play

Rainbow Pasta Play

Mannnn this was fun. I actually had a lot of fun dyeing the pasta - Jon and I both agreed that we need to dye our pasta for spag bol...
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