Learning through Play

The home of easy to set up play ideas! Browse a range of activities that are simple to create and often use the stuff you already have lying around your house! These activities are all created with communication development in mind, so be sure to join in with your little one and foster some conversation.

On the Blog...

Mystery Bag

Mystery Bag

August is truly in the 'enclosure schema' of play. This just means that he's really enjoying hiding things inside of other things, putting blankets/clothes over his head and crawling into...
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Blue Goop

Blue Goop

Just a chill one this afternoon. I chucked the last of the cornflour I had into his play tray with a little bit of water and some blue food colouring....
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BYO Puddle

BYO Puddle

Yesterday in the park, August showed interest in a puddle and I couldn't let him explore it because it was just before naptime (in the pushchair) and I'd forgotten a...
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Spray Bottle Play

Spray Bottle Play

Until they can use a spray bottle as a weapon to soak your entire home - things are only going to get a little bit wet, so hand over your...
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Smelling Jars

Smelling Jars

Are you thinking about ALL the senses when you're planning sensory play?! Don't forget their sense of smell! August absolutely loves it when we carry him to the cupboard and...
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Same toys, new tub

Same toys, new tub

August is sick so he can only engage in something for a short period of time before needing cuddles and a rest. We're also exhausted so there's no time for...
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Learning to care for others

Learning to care for others

If you think dolls are just for girls then you have a whole lot of learning to do. Dolls are an incredible tool for learning and they're for everyone. August...
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Bird Seed Sensation

Bird Seed Sensation

Bird seed is an excellent option for dry messy/sensory play- especially outside!! You can choose to either scoop it all back up for play another time or just to scatter...
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Treasure Tubes

Treasure Tubes

We were gifted these gorgeous treasure tubes from @playitforwardnz. I've wanted them for aaaaages so I felt super lucky to have them turn up.I really want to use these to display...
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Clock Creation

Clock Creation

I found this fab plywood clock kit on the kmart website and knew it'd be PERFECT for August because he's obsessed with pointing out clocks and saying 'tick tock'. Plus...
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Make the gate great

Make the gate great

Easy play set up this morning. I stuck magnets to the baby gate on August's bedroom door. I've seen that August has really been enjoying the magnet wall at nursery...
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Our Play Tray

Our Play Tray

Eeek I’ve been shopping! I’ve wanted one of these for forever and I finally just went and ordered it! So expect some more posts where we’re exploring and getting messy...
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Loose Part Play

Loose Part Play

I've introduced a few more small loose parts to August's play over the past few days. It's been interesting to watch him in action with them. For me, it's been...
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Do you even lift?

Do you even lift?

Have you noticed your baby picking up things that are heavier than you thought they could handle? There's a reason! Not only does all this heavy lifting strengthen their muscles,...
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Post and Shake Buttons

Post and Shake Buttons

Buttons are SO easy to pick up from opshops, $2 shops and craft shops and they're great small parts for play. I set up this quiet activity for Auggie this...
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Living Room Ramp and Roll

Living Room Ramp and Roll

Shout out to my Mam who is an expert in keeping active little boys occupied. I came in to find my sofa taken apart and cushions everywhere and the pikler...
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Indoor Sandpit

Indoor Sandpit

When you're stuck inside with a cold and waiting to prove you're covid free, you need to bring out the big-guns to keep a toddler from going stir crazy! Today...
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Play Doh Talking

Play Doh Talking

Playdoh/playdough is one of the most versatile activities for speech and language development. WHY? Because you can mould it into anything and then talk about it! So YES it's a...
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Making a mark

Making a mark

I realised we'd painted with real paint and with ice paints but we'd never done any drawing. I'd never really given August the opportunity to draw though he's seen me...
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Heuristic Handbag

Heuristic Handbag

I already know that your baby loves to dig around in your bag. They love holding your purse. They love fiddling with the zips. They love tipping everything out. They...
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