POV: You're not scared of messy play...
Cleaning hacks ⬇️⬇️
I know that SO MANY OF US are loathed to do more messy play because we already have enough on our plates as parents and we don't want to deal with more cleaning.
👂 HEAR ME OUT. When you make cleaning up fun and part of the whole activity, you can get the house back to square one AND your child gets all the benefits of learning life skills. Most things can be made to feel like pkay for a child so embrace it!
💡Fill spray bottles with water and provide a cloth for wiping
💡Have a tub of warm water close by for your child or their toys to dunk into to get clean.
💡Let them use the hose or shower head to rinse down their play area
💡Set them up on a stool at the sink to wash up, or give them their own 'sink' with a Tupperware tub.
💡give them the dustpan and brush whilst you vacuum.
💡have them launch clothes into the washing machine and be in charge of pouring in the detergent.
❔❓how do YOU involve your little one in cleaning ? Share your ideas below to help other parents (mainly me!!!)
You’ve got this!
Watch the full reel here