Peg Pull
Please don't judge my cheap curtains that don't reach the floor 😂
Pegs are super versatile and further along the line they're fantastic for babies' continued development of pincer grip and fine motor skills. August is a little young for that and our pegs are too strong for little hands - today was just about giving some dimension to his play (getting stuff off the floor) and displaying toys differently. He has really enjoyed reaching, grabbing, pulling and shaking these pieces and successfully freed a few from the curtain. He was wowed by the movement and flow of the curtain and that if he pulled it and released the toys made a sound.

If you don't have curtains - this activity could easily be replicated by draping and tying a blanket or sheet over something in your house. An easy set up for babies who are sitting Up AND for those still on their backs and tummies - just don't put things too high!