Peg Play

Peg Play

For a little simple, quiet, calm activity this afternoon when August was getting a bit wobbly - I cracked out the pegs. They’re not the posh wooden ones you see kids playing with. Just what I could get my hands on at Countdown. This is something you can easily do instead of putting the telly on when your little one is tired. 

Peg Play

Playing with pegs develops a child’s fine motor skills and their pincer grip. It takes lots of coordination and strength to squeeze a peg! August wasn’t ready to squeeze but he watched what I was doing with them and enjoyed pulling them off different things. He posted them into containers, threw them, passed them back and forth to me, shook them, pulled them off a number of toys and fabrics and walked around carrying them. He also LOVED the crunchy plastic bag!

Using ‘I’ statements, tell your baby where you’re putting the pegs. E.g. 'I’m putting a peg on your jumper', 'I'm putting a peg on the scarf'. You can use pegs to talk about body parts, e.g. "I'm putting a peg on my finger!","You pulled the peg off my elbow!". You can place pegs on difference colours too - basically put them on anything you'd like to teach about! 

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