Peg Peg Peg – Practical Life Tasks

Peg Peg Peg – Practical Life Tasks

Auggie got a little peg apron for Christmas and since then he's loving helping to peg out some of his smaller pieces like bibs and socks.

Kids love helping out with practical tasks and its great for them to learn some of the skills required for typical daily life. Asking them to help with the washing is fun for them but also builds a sense of responsibility.

Using pegs in this way is also great for fine motor skills, including refining that all important pincer grip that we use for writing. Standing and manipulating things in front of the body is also developing gross motor skills.

Get yourself a washing line and some pegs. Auggie's is an elastic one with hooks at both ends. It must be for small spaces or for camping. Choose pegs that are easy to operate and maybe put them in a basket. Gather some of your little one's clothes - small pieces are easier.

If your child is younger or you don't have a washing line - could they drape clothes over a clothes horse? As long as they're helping in some way (even if they then go and pull everything off again) it's still great learning!

Tag us if you try this with your little one and tag a mum friend who needs a hand with their laundry!

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