Messy is Best

Messy is Best

Messy is Best

Is messy best? ⬇️

When I say 'Messy Is Best', here's what I mean.

Kids can only learn new skills when they're given the opportunity to practice those skills over and over.
And because their brains are developing and they haven't has as much practice as adults, their attempts are likely going to be messy.

PREVENTING your child from getting messy by:
- always spoon feeding them
- not involving them in food preparation
- stopping them from climbing / exploring
- avoiding messy play
- dressing them in clothes you insist must stay clean

ROBS them of opportunities to learn new skills.

Getting messy is a sign your child is trying and learning to do new things. We should be embracing the mess!!

You've got this.

Watch the full reel here

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