Loosen up my button babe
We got these GORGEOUS wooden buttons from @navybabynz. Having multiples of anything is fantastic for counting, sorting, finding and posting - I love that these buttons are slim so that when August's fine motor skills get better he can post them into a narrow slot.
Today we paired the buttons with a glass jar and did some posting. I sat back and observed a few times, I also joined in on other occasions and we used it as a turn taking game. I kept the pace by saying ‘my turn’ and you’re turn’ until we were all finished! I also did some counting to 10.

I’ve left this activity out in rotation for August to choose from the shelf. You can replicate this by finding something you have multiples of and finding something to post them into. I think August (who loves music and noise) really liked how the buttons clinked when they landed in the glass jar. He also loved that he could tip them all out quickly to start the activity again.