Baking: Crepes
We call these pancakes but you might know them as crepes.
We made crepes this morning! Before I was even showered or dressed so please ignore my chronically greasy hair! Play is higher on the agenda than my self care!!
How August takes part:
I just give him a role to play in all of it. My kitchen is now covered in egg and flour but that's fine! Ten minutes of cleaning tops. Meanwhile he's had a huge, fun learning experience and we both got lunch - win win!
Language opportunities:
Hopefully you can hear that I'm talking to August throughout and narrating what we're doing. I'm also singing and making links to known vocabulary with songs. E.g. Pat-a-cake when he was patting the pancake. We also sing a pancake song at swimming which I sang.
Auggie has decided he doesn't like sandwiches at the moment so I think crepes are going to be our new lunch box staple!
Here is the recipe:

Does your babe like crepes?