We love books!

We love books! With a Speech and Language Therapist for a Mam, August has no choice really.
Did you know that children who's parents read them 5 books per day start school having heard about 1.4 million more words than kids who were never read to?
Reading helps with language development, speech sound development, learning basic concepts (like colours and numbers), literacy, bonding and many other things.
I'll do some posts on different ways you can use a books to develop a number of skills, but for now I'll just rant about the importance of reading them!
For August (6mo) we use more board books as he likes to put them in his mouth sometimes! He sits on our knee if he's calm, but other times we just read whilst he plays nearby. Littlies don't always have to be watching/listening intently to get the benefit of reading.
August's favourite is 'Where is the green sheep?' By Mem Fox and Judy Horacek - he never gets bored of it and listens to every word.
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