How Speech Sounds Develop

How Speech Sounds Develop

Some sounds are harder to say than others, so we don't tend to hear children say them until they're older. Knowing WHEN sounds typically develop wi...

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Be a Teacher, not at Tester

Be a Teacher, not at Tester

When our babies start communicating with us using words, signs or actions, we tend to get excited and want them to do it again and again. We can ea...

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Tempt them to Communicate

Tempt them to Communicate

Another example of a communication temptation! Communication temptations are things you can do to sabotage a situation or a predictable routine. Th...

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If your Baby isn't Talking Yet

If your Baby isn't Talking Yet

You can help your little one to learn how to talk to you by making noises and having fun.You read that correctly.Way before talking develops (from ...

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