Respectful Parenting
How to be the best parent you can be by connecting with your child and holding your boundaries respectfully.
On the Blog...
Whats the best thing to say when your kid is having a tantrum
Hear me out ⬇️Kids have tantrums. They're developmentally appropriate - it's a big build up of feelings and emotions that they don't know how to process and it all comes...
Understanding your sensitive child's behaviour
How to help⬇️It's time to REFRAME your thinking.Often, the behaviours of highly sensitive children are labelled as 'difficult' - as if they do everything on purpose and with manipulation in...
What to do when your child won't stop misbehaving
This really works ⬇️We've all fallen into this pattern:Our kids are constantly pushing our buttons by misbehaving and arguing and our tone becomes clipped and annoyed. We snap more, we...
Is this the reason your preschooler is misbehaving?
What to do?New siblings are a huge change for our preschoolers which cannot be underestimated. If you've seen a big shift in your child's behaviour and you're wondering if it...
Can't control our kids but we can manage their environment and control ourselves
It all went wrong.We truly can't control our kids.We CAN control ourselves and we CAN manage the environment.I'm NOT saying we should take away all of a child's accountability for...
Should we punish a child when they have a tantrum?
Expect tantrums.We can't expect children to have the self control and executive functioning skills to stop and think "hang on, last time I had a tantrum it didn't feel fun...
What to do when you're triggered by your child's behaviour
You're not alone.It's no mean feat coping with a child's many outbursts and tantrums. Remember their brains are very underdeveloped and they need to be taught how to manage their...
We need to be kinder to kids (and each other)
Let's be kind.We cant be in each other's brains so we have no idea how someone else is coping.What might look like a child being very ""naughty" is most often...
Supporting your child to play with their friends and siblings
Model model model.- can I sit with you?- can I play?- what are you playing?- can I have a turn?- it's your turn now- let's play together! Watch the full...
Why you shouldn't say 'Stop being silly"
We’ve all said it.But we can all say something more helpful when we know better.The more silly - the more dysregulated your child is.If your child is laughing at you...
What to say when your child is testing boundaries
Become untriggered.They're doing what they're supposed to be doing. Kids test limits - it's part of brain development. It's a good thing.Try not to take it personally- instead fill up...
5 Things I'll never do when my kids misbehave
These are basic needs.Despite what you may have experienced in your own upbringing, I just want to remind you that a child’s basic needs should not be removed from them...
Kids don't need punishment to learn a lesson
Punishment ≠ learning.THREE things can be true.✅ YES our parents were doing their best when they raised us.🚫 NO we didn't deserve to suffer physically or emotionally when we misbehaved✅...
How to Prevent Power Struggles with Preschoolers
Presume competence! Fact: Preschoolers crave independence and control. One of the ways we avoid power-struggles is by always presuming that our preschoolers are capable. This means we give them lots...
How to handle tantrums when leaving the park
Follow these steps below:PAUSE.Time to calm yourself. You've got this. Kids have screamed and tantrummed before. This isn't a reflection on you. This is a child communicating in the only...
How to avoid feeling triggered by mean stuff your child says
Did you hear the message?! Or are you being triggered by the words?!Turns out the words don't mean a whole heap. The words are what little they have in the...
When your child's behaviour feels personal
It's not personal. Your child isn't lashing out at you (physically or verbally) because you're a terrible parent. Your child is losing it because they're dysregulated and YOU ARE THEIR...
Are you stuck in a Shouting Cycle?
None of us want to shout at our kids.We don’t plan for it, it just slips out. It slips out of us because that’s how we were parented - that’s...
Why threatening your child with consequences doesn't improve their behaviour
We've all done this. Here's how we do better.1. Guess at and acknowledge the feeling."You're really frustrated""you need my attention""You're angry with your sister".2. Kindy hold your boundary"I won't let...
Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Blackmail in your Family
Children don't control our emotions. We do!What one adult may react to or be triggered by, another adult may not. That's because we're all had different experiences, upbringings and we...