Respectful Parenting
How to be the best parent you can be by connecting with your child and holding your boundaries respectfully.
On the Blog...
My kids are fighting over a toy - What we can say
A script! ⬇️The way you speak to your kids is EVERYTHING and it can mean the difference between everything working out and everyone having a meltdown!I find that this fun...
Your child's brain, why they're misbehaving and how to help when they're losing it
What to do ⬇️Sometimes our kids seem to lose it over the smallest things, like what colour cup they drink from or suddenly deciding they don't want something they've asked...
Taking Breaks Outdoors
We were losing it ⬇️Sometimes it feels like a military operation trying to get kids outside or to do anything but we do A LOT of it because we see...
5 Reasons Your Preschooler Isn't Listening To You
😡LISTEN UP!! If adults were to record themselves all day then listen back and tally up allllll the times they give their child a direction, or asked them a question...
Help! My toddler won't stop throwing toys
“stop throwing” doesn’t work. Here’s what does.Our kids need to learn how to throw and they obviously want to practice this skill. We just often don’t like to see it...
Behaviour Tip
Time for a behaviour change.Imagine knowing something BIG is going to happen but not knowing when? Imagine someone tells you you're going somewhere tomorrow but you don't know what tomorrow...
No such thing as naughty
Here's how I see it.... Don't get me wrong - I still get triggered by my children. I'm only human and sometimes it really does feel like they're out to...
Why won't my kids calm down?!
You might need to hear this today ⬇️Real talk: I often find my kids' behaviour triggering. The noise of shouting and whinging and crying can feel all too much for...
5 Steps to Help your Child having a hard time
The secret to staying calm ⬇️It starts with remembering that your child having big feelings is totally normal. It's developmentally appropriate. They're not meant to act like adults and forcing...
Sunday Chaos
Nothing relaxing about it.A reminder that gentle, respectful parenting isn't about training kids to be perfect little regulated angels. My kids were all over the shop today.Gentle and respectful parenting...
Sharing my chaotic evening of parenting
Hats off to solo parents.Bedtime can be SOOOO triggering. All you want is for everyone to calm down and go to sleep so you can finally have some time to...
Whats the best thing to say when your kid is having a tantrum
Hear me out ⬇️Kids have tantrums. They're developmentally appropriate - it's a big build up of feelings and emotions that they don't know how to process and it all comes...
Understanding your sensitive child's behaviour
How to help⬇️It's time to REFRAME your thinking.Often, the behaviours of highly sensitive children are labelled as 'difficult' - as if they do everything on purpose and with manipulation in...
What to do when your child won't stop misbehaving
This really works ⬇️We've all fallen into this pattern:Our kids are constantly pushing our buttons by misbehaving and arguing and our tone becomes clipped and annoyed. We snap more, we...
Is this the reason your preschooler is misbehaving?
What to do?New siblings are a huge change for our preschoolers which cannot be underestimated. If you've seen a big shift in your child's behaviour and you're wondering if it...
Can't control our kids but we can manage their environment and control ourselves
It all went wrong.We truly can't control our kids.We CAN control ourselves and we CAN manage the environment.I'm NOT saying we should take away all of a child's accountability for...
The Parenting Trap we all fall in to
Play the long game.👌Keep your responses short. You don't even have to say anything at the start (or if you're struggling to regulate yourself) - just stay quiet and be...
Should we punish a child when they have a tantrum?
Expect tantrums.We can't expect children to have the self control and executive functioning skills to stop and think "hang on, last time I had a tantrum it didn't feel fun...
What to do when you're triggered by your child's behaviour
You're not alone.It's no mean feat coping with a child's many outbursts and tantrums. Remember their brains are very underdeveloped and they need to be taught how to manage their...
We need to be kinder to kids (and each other)
Let's be kind.We cant be in each other's brains so we have no idea how someone else is coping.What might look like a child being very ""naughty" is most often...