Learning through Play

The home of easy to set up play ideas! Browse a range of activities that are simple to create and often use the stuff you already have lying around your house! These activities are all created with communication development in mind, so be sure to join in with your little one and foster some conversation.

On the Blog...

Take some of the parts and take a turn

Take some of the parts and take a turn

There's no shame in being taught how to play with your child. We all grow up, and as most of us don't go on to work with children, it's easy...
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Mud Pies

Mud Pies

Messy play is incredibly important for development, so I like to provide August with as many messy opportunities as possible. Sunny days make it easy because we can wreak havoc...
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Mystery Bag

Mystery Bag

August is truly in the 'enclosure schema' of play. This just means that he's really enjoying hiding things inside of other things, putting blankets/clothes over his head and crawling into...
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Smelling Jars

Smelling Jars

Are you thinking about ALL the senses when you're planning sensory play?! Don't forget their sense of smell! August absolutely loves it when we carry him to the cupboard and...
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Learning to care for others

Learning to care for others

If you think dolls are just for girls then you have a whole lot of learning to do. Dolls are an incredible tool for learning and they're for everyone. August...
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Bird Seed Sensation

Bird Seed Sensation

Bird seed is an excellent option for dry messy/sensory play- especially outside!! You can choose to either scoop it all back up for play another time or just to scatter...
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Treasure Tubes

Treasure Tubes

We were gifted these gorgeous treasure tubes from @playitforwardnz. I've wanted them for aaaaages so I felt super lucky to have them turn up.I really want to use these to display...
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Recycled Bird Feeder

Recycled Bird Feeder

August is OBSESSED with birds. He points them out all the time and will happily sit for ages with me at the window. We don't have a bird feeder so...
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Living Room Ramp and Roll

Living Room Ramp and Roll

Shout out to my Mam who is an expert in keeping active little boys occupied. I came in to find my sofa taken apart and cushions everywhere and the pikler...
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Paint and Draw Sensory Bag

Paint and Draw Sensory Bag

I set this up quickly whilst August was sleeping. Super easy - I put paint in a ziplock bag and taped it to the window. As with all sensory bags...
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Washing Line Dangle: The Level Up

Washing Line Dangle: The Level Up

GOSH - If you're a new follower then scroll back and see how TINY August was when we first did this activity! Back then it was to support his reaching...
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ANZAC Day Poppies

ANZAC Day Poppies

We're ready to put a poppy in our window. And we had a ridiculous amount of fun doing it. I put some of our @navybabynz metal pieces ina tray of watercolour paint...
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Tea Party: Imaginative Play

Tea Party: Imaginative Play

You might have seen that we're all about having tea parties at the moment. It's not just an excuse for me to play with the wooden toy biscuits, I promise....
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Camping by Torch light

Camping by Torch light

August loved playing with the torch yesterday so I thought I'd set him up with a camp to shine it in. We can't both fit under the pikler triangle or...
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They see me rollin'

They see me rollin'

We continued exploring the rotation schema this afternoon by rolling our ball-pit balls down the pikler ramp. I put the kinderboard at the bottom to catch them all. We're super...
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Pop to the shops

Pop to the shops

Spot the mother that is having shopping withdrawals during lockdown 😬😬 Today I set up a shop for August. YES this is elaborate and I KNOW that most of you...
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Rainbow Pasta Play

Rainbow Pasta Play

Mannnn this was fun. I actually had a lot of fun dyeing the pasta - Jon and I both agreed that we need to dye our pasta for spag bol...
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Kitchen Drum Kit

Kitchen Drum Kit

I apologise in advance for suggesting something so damn noisy but this is such an easy activity to set up. Everyone has pans. Everyone has some kitchen utensils. Why not...
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Washing Line Dangle

Washing Line Dangle

Oh my goshhhhh I get so excited setting up play opportunities for August while he sleeps!! During his morning nap I set up this washing line play. How:👕get some rope...
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I'd started stacking random things for August (whilst singing some strange building song from a TV show from my childhood) and I noticed that he was loving knocking everything down!...
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