Making Music 🎼

Making Music 🎼

Making Music 🎼

We made a whole lot of noise today. We make a lot of noise every day. Shaker toys and noisy toys are a CONSTANT in our house - they're the ones we don't rotate out or put away because making music is a spontaneous activity that can happen at any time. 

Did you know that research has shown that exposure to music from an early age helps children to speak more clearly, develop a larger vocabulary and strengthen social and emotional skills? It also supports hand-eye coordination and motor planning skills (moving, shaking and dancing) and fosters creativity and imagination. It can help your attachment to your baby (who doesn't love lullabies and cuddles?), teach them to self regulate (manage their emotions), support children to build relationships with others, improve turn taking skills, and develop cultural awareness. .
It's GREAT. Basically. So we make a lot of music.

mixed musical play

🎼we own some baby instruments. Ours are 
🎼 we make our own instruments! There's a few tutorials on my feed but basically - any small items inside a bigger item that can be shaken will make a cool noise!
🎼 I try to turn every rhythm into a song! When August bangs on something - I sing along. I sing every time he claps.
🎼 I turn August's babbling into a song. E.g. If he's saying 'babababa' then I sing 'baa baa black sheep'.
🎼 I sing nursery rhymes. My fave nursery rhyme video is in my 'check this out' highlight.
🎼 I sing and sign! See the videos I have on my feed so far.
🎼 I play music in the house - especially in times when August is getting tired and a little frustrated. Calm music always helps!
🎼 I always join in. If August starts shaking a shaker then I come and get one too and I imitate his movements. I also sing anything that comes to mind and shake along to the beat.
🎼 I repeat. Often. He likes the same songs again and again.
🎼 WE DANCE. Put on your favourite tunes for your baby to enjoy. Give them a musical education. Love Eminem? Play it. Have a guilty pleasure? Put it on. Having a dance party with your baby is a fantastic way to bring a bit of joy into lockdown.


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