Speech errors kids make: Gliding
The /r/ and /l/ sounds are often quite hard to say for little ones. That’s why they often replace them for a /y/ or a /w/ sound instead. We’ve all ...
The /r/ and /l/ sounds are often quite hard to say for little ones. That’s why they often replace them for a /y/ or a /w/ sound instead. We’ve all ...
When a Speech and Language Therapist talks about 'speech', they mean the sounds that words are made up of (not the words themselves). A child with...
Many of your little ones may have already developed a special interest. A special interest is just something that they love and are drawn to. For A...
When a Speech and Language Therapist talks about 'speech', they mean the sounds that words are made up of (not the words themselves). A child with...
Language is everywhere and there's an infinite amount of new words that your little one has the potential of learning. Remember - language isn't in...
ALL CHILDREN drop syllables from longer words at some point in their development. Its called 'weak syllable deletion' - and it just means that the...
Some sounds are harder to say than others. If you haven't already, check out my first 2 posts on the 'early eight' and 'next nine' speech sounds th...
Some sounds are harder to say than others. If you haven't already, check out my first post with 'the early 8' to learn which speech sounds typicall...
Some sounds are harder to say than others, so we don't tend to hear children say them until they're older. Knowing WHEN sounds typically develop wi...
I hear SO MANY people missing the teaching opportunity by saying "good boy" or "good girl". If this is you - don't be offended! I can FEEL the exc...
Just LOOK how much vocab you can teach when you take your little one swimming. And this is MINIMUM - there'll be so many more things specific to yo...
Being able to ask for a drink is so important - especially as summer is approaching. We're all fab parents so we tend to anticipate our little one ...