Turn off the background noise

Turn off the background noise

Did you know that research has shown that background noise can impact on language development? Let's talk about why this is.Have you ever driven th...

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Say it back 3 times

Say it back 3 times

You HAVE to make yourself sound like a weirdo if you want to support your child's communication. Why?! Because sounding weird makes your little one...

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Don't say 'Say'

Don't say 'Say'

Think about it - when you ask your little one to "say_______" You're just teaching them the art of imitation. So whilst they might imitate you when...

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Teaching new vocab: Pull

Teaching new vocab: Pull

Babies learn the meaning of new words by us modelling (saying) them in context (in the place where they fit) and by using lots of repetition. We c...

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Sing to Learn

Sing to Learn

Nursery rhymes are EXCELLENT for language development. My Mam's been teaching August a new word a day by singing to him and it's so exciting to se...

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Picnic Prattle

Picnic Prattle

Ok - we have a lot of picnics. Even if it's just in the lounge or with play food, we're ALL ABOUT IT. And there's many reasons why.  Firstly. Lock...

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