Speak Normally

Speak Normally

I'm not sure why we all started talking in the third person to our children but I'm here to tell you that you don't have to! And it's better not t...

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Sing to Learn

Sing to Learn

Nursery rhymes are EXCELLENT for language development. My Mam's been teaching August a new word a day by singing to him and it's so exciting to se...

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Story Stones

Story Stones

I read Hairy Maclary about 6 times a day. August LOVES it - so I wanted to bring the story to life a bit. I made these story stones last night and...

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Sign with us: Dear Zoo

Sign with us: Dear Zoo

Let's add some books to our repertoire! Dear Zoo is a favourite of ours - it has a really great rhythm, it's simple, it has animals, it has lift t...

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